ENEM 2012 Inglês - Questões

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I, too

I, too, sing America.

I am the darker brother.

They send me to eat in the kitchen

When company comes,

But I laugh,

And eat well,

And grow strong.


I’ll be at the table

When company comes.

Nobody’ll dare

Say to me,

“Eat in the kitchen,”



They’ll see how beautiful I am

And be ashamed

I, too, am America.

(HUGHES, L. In: RAMPERSAD, A.; ROESSEL, D. (Ed.) The collected poems of Langston Hughes. New York: Knopf, 1994.)

Langston Hughes foi um poeta negro americano que viveu no século XX e escreveu I, too em 1932. No poema, a personagem descreve uma prática racista que provoca nela um sentimento de

J. K. Rowling to pen first novel for adults

23 February 2012 Last update at 16:53 GMT

BBC World Service

Author J. K. Rowling has announced plans to publish her first novel for adults, which will be “very different” from the Harry Potter books she is famous for.

The book will be published worldwide although no date or title has yet been released. “The freedom to explore new territory is a gift that Harry’s success has brought me”, Rowling said.

All the Potter books were published by Bloomsbury, but Rowling has chosen a new publisher for her debut into adult fiction. “Although I’ve enjoyed writing it every bit as much, my next book will be very different to the Harry Potter series, which has been published so brilliantly by Bloomsbury and my other publishers around the world”, she said, in a statement. “I’m delighted to have a second publishing home in Little, Brown, and a publishing team that will be a great partner in this new phase of my writing life”.

(Disponível em: www.bbc.co.uk. Acesso em: 24 fev. 2012 (adaptado).)

J. K. Rowling tornou-se famosa por seus livros sobre o bruxo Harry Potter e suas aventuras, adaptados para o cinema. Esse texto, que aborda a trajetória da escritora britânica, tem por objetivo

Quotes of the day

Friday, Sep. 02, 2011

“There probably was a shortage of not just respect and boundaries but also love. But you do need, when they cross the line and break the law, to be very tough”.

British Prime Minister DAVID CAMERON, arguing that those involved in the recent riots in England need “tough love” as he vows to “get to grips” with the country’s problem families.

(Disponível em: www.time.com. Acesso em: 5 nov. 2011 (adaptado).)

A respeito dos tumultos causados na Inglaterra em agosto de 2011, as palavras de alerta de David Cameron têm como foco principal

Aproveitando-se de seu status social e da possível influência sobre seus fãs, o famoso músico Jimi Hendrix associa, em seu texto, os termos love, power e peace para justificar sua opinião de que

(DONAR. Disponível em: http://politicalgraffiti.wordpress.com. Acesso em: 17 ago. 2011.)

Cartuns são produzidos com o intuito de satirizar comportamentos humanos e assim oportunizam a reflexão sobre nossos próprios comportamentos e atitudes. Nesse cartum, a linguagem utilizada pelos personagens em uma conversa em inglês evidencia a
